Personlig Sosiale Media Teknologi Ukategorisert

Friday night update

Its friday! Finally.. and Im sitting here with my beer as usauall.
Still thumping around on my crutches one week after the sergery..
Soon joining the LTS crew in PalTalk (open for all)

LTS is looking good by the way.. here’s some details:

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Torrents: 945
Seeders: 1,173
Leechers: 22
Peers: 1,195
Threads: 597
Posts: 11,750

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John Holme Blogg

Tech, Hiking, Foto, MMA, Familie og jobb

Bjoa bygdeliste

Partiuavhengig liste i Vindafjord kommune

Høyt & Vilt


Finndalskroken 27

Vi bygger hytte!

Jørgen Knudsen

Digital Markedsfører, innholdsprodusent, KAM og kommunikasjonsrådgiver

Lars Fosdal

I rant, therefore I am.